What is SEO?
Search engine optimization, otherwise known as ‘SEO’, involves a series of activities designed to help a specific web property (i.e. https://www.yourwebaddress.com) achieve higher placement in search engine results. This service is extremely important as studies suggest that approximately 75% of search engine users don’t go past the first page of results, they simply opt to try a new term. So, SEO is an essential tool used to organically grow and sustain consistent traffic to your web property. Properly executing an effective SEO strategy involves a number of methods, but it is easiest to simply separate them into two major groupings: on-page SEO and off-page SEO.
On-page SEO refers to the series of activities and technical changes that can be applied to your web properties that help search engines read your site, determine the topic and purpose of your site, and to rank your web property against other sites competing for relevancy within your niche.
Off-page SEO refers to the series of activities that are completed away from your specific web property that are designed to draw attention to and create links on other websites that lead back to your domain. As an example, consider an article titled “The 5 Best Link Shortening Services of 2018.” This hypothetical article is published on a website separate from your own, and serves two (2) primary purposes:
- It provides information and context for anyone interested in learning about link shortening (or link management) services.
- It identifies your (and other) specific web properties and provides a link for readers to follow back to your site.
These links that lead back to your site are often referred to as “backlinks”, and backlinks are very important because they provide contextual information and confer power (sometimes referred to as “juice”) to your website. This conferral of reputation and power helps search engines like Bing or Google (along with many, many other factors) determine which sites should be presented for a given keyword and in which ranked order.
If you’re interested in quality SEO services, Intechnible Web Technologies™ is here. We’ll help you build your business’ reach online, and accomplish your Digital Marketing goals. We have compiled information regarding Digital Marketing (SEO, SMO, and PPC) into a FREE e-book, The Beginner’s Guide to: Digital Marketing. To download your free copy, please complete the form below.